Those stories the Wielemans-Ceuppens brewery could tell…
The Wielemans Ceuppens brewery has a lot of stories to tell. From its very beginning in the centre of Brussels to the then new...

A series of fortunate events...
We have been cleaning the Wielemans-Ceuppens machines for a month already. For the moment, we have completed the cleaning phase for the...

De La Vergne compressor set in motion again after hundred years!
Last Friday, our restoration team managed to set the De La Vergne compressor in motion again. This unique compressor was purposely built...

The restoration programme is full steam ahead
The former Wielemans-Ceuppens brewery has pleased many generations with precious beers. Now that the production has ceased, these...

Message from the old bridge crane : “I'm in shape!”.
After an initial cleaning and treatment of the bridge crane, it seemed to be in a better condition than we imagined! The bridge crane ...

...and the beauty treatment of the Wielemans-Ceuppens machines continues...
Decades after their last professional cleaning and maintenance, the Wielemans-Ceuppens machines are finally receiving the attention they...

Off we go!
Last Monday (21 December); our restoration team started the process of restoration of the machines. The first step was the cleaning of...

Industrial heritage: that's what we're talking about!
The old Wielemans-Ceuppens brewery's buildings and machinery are witnesses of a Brussels that no longer exists. Getting to know them...

The uniqueness of Wielemans-Ceuppens' machinery...
The old Wielemans-Ceuppens brewery is a symbol for the region of Brussels. It is one of the major representatives of the one of the most...

The restoration will start on 21 December
The association BruxellesFabriques, which spearheads the efforts to promote and safeguard Brussels’ industrial and social heritage, won a...