Guided Tour of WielemansMachines, March 2nd at 6:30 PM
We are organizing a guided tour of WielemansMachines​ on Thursday 2 March at 6:30 PM language : please note that the tour will be held in...

Invitation to attend the WM restoration diploma ceremony - 11/30/2016
Our workers will be awarded by a diploma. So, we kindly invite you to attend the WM restoration diploma ceremony. When : Wednesday...

A new transmission belt for the Carles
The Carels has been cleaned and varnished. And now the belt has been settled on the wheel !! It has been attached so it can turn when the...

The Sulzer has been varnished!
The team applied the varnish coat on the Sulzer machine. Discover how impressive it looks now. the piston has been cleaned as well Stay...

New exciting details from the field
The team checked the inside surface of the spacer between the two cylinders. This inside surface was felt made and was kept lubricated...

New welded bottom protections under the machine
Guido Vanderhulst gave us news from the field. He also shared those pictures of the yard : you can see the pipe of the professionnal...

The Sulzer to be fitted with its transmission belt
The Sulzer has been cleaned and sanded. The workmen still have to be thoroughly wash it with soap and water in order to remove residual...

Persistence wins : the piston has moved!
That's it : workmen have succeeded in unlocking the piston. The cylinder head had been dismanteled because we wanted to access the head...

What is a tirefor?
We already told you how challenging was our restauration yard. We still try to unlock the piston. We realised that it was impossible to...

resumption of works in WM yard !
Our tremendous yard was taken over by Wielemans workers team. But it’s not an easy yard : we have first to unlock the cylynder of the...